
Showing posts from 2021

Religious Rantings

If you've happened to read my dad's blog, you'd know that it's half dedicated to me and half dedicated to preaching. If you're expecting that again you'll probably be a bit disappointed to know that won't be the case here. I'm not much of a preacher and honestly haven't quite developed my families complete submission to the gospel. However, I do have at least one blogs worth of um, holy? words.  Today I was walking to class, and just like every Wednesday our campus preacher was there reading from the bible and preaching about God's love. I always think of him as a really good guy, very wholesome, and it's been nice to see that he's gathered a little crowd this year. However, this time he actually had a couple helpers passing out some tiny new testaments. I thought that was really cute but of course most people just walked by and didn't take one. Then I thought about how I don't really need a bible right? I already have a full size

A New Place for Rambling

 So, I've never blogged before, and I certainly don't plan to gain anything from it, but I am taking a page out of my fathers book, and documenting whatever may be worth sharing in my life.  My name is a reference to my dear father's blog "DaddySpeak" he's been writing it about his adventures on parenting me, and it seems like he stopped at my high school graduation. Now, I can understand the lack of source material, I mean at the time of writing this, I'm now a junior in college with my own apartment. He understandably misses me, if you ever read his blog you can probably tell that we're very close. My becoming an adult has been hard for him, and I probably won't fully comprehend how he feels until I have a child of my own.  I've lived about four hours away from him during these last few years of college, but I always come home during holidays and summer break (Also during COVID but that was something else entirely). Unfortunately, during my v