
Showing posts from 2023

Celebration mixed with entitlement (from me)

 What's up guys (my dad), I haven't posted in a while but that's how life is, it gets busy. Since my last blog I've mostly been going to college, working, and generally progressing in the grand game of life. It kind of sucks that the only end goal is dying, like you get to a point where you've reached all your checkpoints and the only solution after that is to perish. My goals have been like, finish highschool, check, graduate college, complete grad school, find a career, start a family, and then??? Make enough money to be comfortable and die. What a weird cycle humans have created. Our entire life feels centralized around money, so strange. I mean, it's imperative to survival, it's technically illegal to not have enough of it, and y'know, can't find much joy in life without it. Oh yeah, and when I say illegal I mean legally I'm not allowed to park anywhere if I happened to be living in my car, and most places don't allow homeless people to s